Sacred Wildness

Soul Guided & Nature Inspired – Journey to Sacred Wildness

Sacred Wildness

Whistling Stone Sacred Wildness is dedicated to deepening the journey and engaging  human communities back into right relationship with spirit, nature and our innate sacred wildness.


Wildness is your true nature.

Wildness listens to its own innate wisdom and rhythm.

Wildness is authentic to the present moment.

Let your wildness be your compass and the wild Earth your map.

Practice: Your Wildness Compass 

An Invitation

Get the free E – Book, Sacred Wildness: Four Paths to Reconnection to begin your Journey to rewilding your soul.


Learn four pathways to reclaiming and reconnecting with the wildness within you and wildness around you.  This book will show you how to find a wildness teacher, how to find messages and omens in nature, and the importance of gratitude in earth magick.  These four pathways can be tended to on a daily or weekly basis to open your life to the wild connections possible for each and everyone of us.


 Begin A Journey to Nature & Soul

Take a guided journey with nature and soul. Dive in for invitations: messages, ceremonies, practices for nature and soul connection, nature awareness and wild perception, imagination, totems, elements and honoring and exploring sacred wildness and the power of Sacred Earth Medicine. During this course you will rediscover, reconnect, rekindle, reinvigorate and rewild your soul in direct relationship with the beings, elements, and processes of the sacred and wild nature around you and within you. TAKE A JOURNEY